Building your own blog!



  • Download git, after that use bash to operate.
  • Set the configuration (I will show how to set the configuration on my another blog)
  • Create a new file to store your blog.
  • Then open git bash at this file.
  • Then we need to set SSH key

SSH key

  • Enter this command ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "Your mail address".
  • Then you will see Git ask you to "Enter file in which to save the key", just press Enter.
  • Then you will be asked to Enter a code, it is linux style, which means that you can't see the code you type. Enter your Passphrase
  • When you see this, it means your ssh key is successfully set. Eureka
  • Find .ssh\ (its path is showed in the introduction after you successfully set the ssh key)
  • Use Nodepad++ (because of stupid microsoft) to open this file and copy its contents.
  • Open your Github, click your picture, then click settings, and click
  • SSH and GPG keys, choose New sskey Set ssh key on your gitbub
  • Test this by ssh -T
  • Then use these two commands

git config --global "your id"
git config --global "your email bond with your github"

Install Node.js

I will show how to install this on another blog.


  • Open gitbash at the place where you are going to set your blog.
  • Enter npm install hexo-cli -g
  • Then enter hexo -v to test whether Hexo is successfully installed. Install Hexo
  • Enter npm install hexo --save
  • To confirm the current document file is empty.
  • Run the command hexo init
  • You can see this in your document file

Begin to build up your blog

How to set your blog
  • connect Hexo and your gitbub
Link Hexo and githbu
  • Then use gitbash >hexo g >hexo s >npm install hexo-deployer-git --save >hexo d

  • Then you can see your blog by this site

Reprint policy: All articles in this blog are used except for special statements CC BY 4.0 reprint polocy. If reproduced, please indicate source Tom.Eureka.Newton !