Raspberry Pi Learning


Here record the learning process of my RaspberryPi.

Search the IP Address of Raspberry PI

Because of the lack of screen, I turn to add an empty ssh file in raspberry pi's boot. In order to get access to raspberry pi by ssh. I have to search the IP address first. Here is my way:

ping raspberrypi.local

About SSH

Recently, I learnt that windows terminal it has built-in ssh function. So I took a try on this instead of using PuTTY. However, there are some trouble striking me that.

Firstly, what does this situation means: ssh: The authenticity of host can't be established . This is not an error, it's just warning you have to confirm the host you've never establish connection before. Some people will mistaken this and lower the level of the security of his ssh(however, sometimes, lower the level may be a better choice, it depends on the situation you meet with).

What's more, what will happen if I rewrite the RaspberryPi's OS, I mean, using windows terminal without convenient PuTTY tool, how to SSH remote host identification has changed . This questions in stacksoverflow solves my problem with this command:

$ ssh-keygen -R <host>

With this command, it will removes all keys belonging to host from known_hosts file.

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